What is ECMAScript 6 or ES6?

ECMAScript 6 (ES6) is the specification or standard followed by many programming languages like JavaScript, JScript, ActionScript, etc. The most popular programmimg language following this specification is JavaScript, That is why many people call ECMAScript 6 JavaScript 6 New features introduced in ECMAScript 6: The let statement allows you to declare a variable with block […]

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a Runtime Enviroment for executing JavaScript code outside the browser Node.js is Asynchronous by default. Which means Node.js can handel several requests at the same time When naming classes in Node.js the first letter of every word in the class name should be uppercase e.g. EventEmmitter. This convention is called Pascal Case (PascalCase) […]


Assuming you have these two MySQL tables

You can ask MySQL to show you all customers who has a valid credit card

MySQL output